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Unlock the Power of Behavior Change in Clinical Trials


Listen to Kelly Ritch, MS, MBA and Brian S. McGowan, PhD explore the interplay between human behavior and clinical trial operations. Delve into proven behavioral science frameworks and tools that will help you to accelerate trial enrollment and improve study quality.


Accelerate enrollment in your next study.

Learn how the Ready Platform by ArcheMedX applies behavioral science to streamline site initiation to reduce study team burden and accelerate timelines:

  • Rapidly convert study documents into interactive learning experiences
  • Deliver personalized, on-demand training to global teams and sites
  • Nudge learners to focus and apply and critical study information
  • Condense SIVs to 30-minute sessions tailored to the needs of each site
  • Identify areas of confusion early on and minimize protocol deviations
  • Prioritize sites best prepared to screen and enroll for activation sooner
  • Inform RBQM strategy and drive efficiencies to enhance quality and safety

Request a Meeting Today!